Many of our websites utilized Urchin statistical report that were available with our previous hosting company. Since the move this Spring to new hosts, we are in the process of adding stats and mail icons to the bottom of all our websites for the convenience of our web clients.
When accessed, the icon brings you to your webmail log in and to the free Webalizer stats reports that are available with the new hosting services.
We’ve found that the Webalizer statistical reports are basic and lack the robust functionality that Urchin had. But we have good news! Urchin was acquired by Google in 2005 and they are offering it as a free service.
With this report, you can get summaries of traffic, everything you want to know about how visitors found you and how they interact with your site.
Other good news; Google Analytics tracks all of your online campaigns from emails to keywords, regardless of the seach engine or referral source.
To take advantage of Google Analytics, visit
(You can also click the link on our website)
You’ll need to set up a Google account (it’s free) and then send us the code that you generate. Or, send us your account’s username and password and we’ll do all the configuration and setup for $45. We’ll install the code on all your website’s main pages so you can get a comprehensive look at your sites performance.
Email us at for more information today.